Saturday, August 21, 2010

Learn to Talk, You Idiot!

I hate it when I run into some dumb hillbilly that can't talk right. For crying out loud, I know toddlers with better grammar than Larry the Cable Guy.

NEWSFLASH #1: It's pronounced "Estill Springs", not "Estale Sprangs".

NEWSFLASH #2: It's not funny when you talk like that. ^^^

NEWSFLASH #3: It's also not cute.

NEWSFLASH #4: Overalls are not attractive. Ever. I'd rather my daughter date a guy with his pants around his knees than one in overalls and hay in his mouth.

NEWSFLASH #5: Lynard Skynard is the one who sings "Sweet Home Alabama". Let's keep it that way.

This is one more reason I don't like small towns. I hate running into people in Wal-Mart and them saying stupid things like "Oh well hay there lil lady. How's it goin' over there where bouts you live? How's ya momma 'n 'em? Tell 'em I said hi now, ya hurr?"

People like that are the reason people look down on Southern people. Because the ones they meet talk like idiots and make the rest of us look bad. At least TRY to sound educated when you talk.

Humor the ones of us who are normal.
