Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mom and Pop Shops.

They absolutely SUCK. I hate small town stores and diners. Especially when you walk in one and some old hillbilly in overalls comes out to take your order and looks like he hasn't showered in a year. Umm, thanks, Jethro, but I'll pass on the good eats.

And they all have that smell to them. Seriously. Who likes that smell anyway? No one, that's who. No one likes that smell. And you know what I'm talking about. (No, not the smell from Jethro this time). That smell is the smell that is in every small town diner and Mom and Pop Shoppe in America. And not only that, but it stays with you for two hours after you've left.

Another thing that irritates me about these places is the food. I'm just not one for tradtional home cooked food I guess. I also don't like not knowing who is touching my food. My dad finds it odd I'll let a Mexican fix my food and not a "good old Southern boy".

Well, if the Mexican screws it up, he gets deported. If Jethro screws it up you get a coupon for a free oil change.

I'm sticking with Pedro.