Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"You Can Only Do What You Can Do."

I love my first block teacher.

"You can only do what you can do."
-Coach Derek Crutchfield.
21 September 2010.
Block 1.
American Government.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I love...

Writing, skies full of stars, getting butterflies when I'm nervous, the sound of waves as they crash on the shore, painting pictures in my mind, dancing when no one's around, making wishes on 11:11, late night walks, watching reruns of CSI at two in the morning on a school night, chasing time as it passes by, the thought of college, the sounds of a big city, days when I'm sick and can lay around doing nothing, summer nights, chasing fireflies, being alone for long periods of time, the word "whisper", the sounds of a newborn baby crying, sweet old couples that still love each other, passing a test I thought I'd failed, Friday night high school football games, light that erases the dark, inside jokes, seeing my dad after he's been gone for awhile, finally speaking my mind, when my puppy wants to cuddle up next to me late at night, old people's stories, getting letters in the mail, laying in the grass, watching the clouds, walking outside in the fall and smelling fire wood burning, flipping my pillow to the cool side, hot showers on a horrible day, getting dressed up, feeling special, the feel of grass on bare feet, overhearing some one say something nice, listening to "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" in July because it's the best song EVER, secrets, the beating of two hearts, watching the sunset, pretty pictures, going out on the lake, fresh cookies, homemade soup, and memories that will never be forgotten.

She's the Girl.

Another poem by me. :D

She’s the girl that giggles and wears skirts that are too short,

She messes around with the guys, just for the sport.

Yea she’s the girl you roll your eyes at as she walks by,

The girl who’s popular and doesn’t even have to try.

She’s the girl who’s dating the football star,

And everyone tells her that she’s gonna go far.

Constantly wearing pink, and fixing her makeup,

Passing notes in class, never shutting up.

Her hair’s always in place, and her outfits are perfect,

You glare at her, knowing trying to be nice isn’t worth it.

She’s always got her cell phone, texting throughout class,

And you hope that next message will be her last.

She’s the girl that gets away with everything,

All the teachers love her, and her family would give her anything.

She’s head cheerleader, and all the guys kiss the ground she walks on,

She’s that little bubbly chick, the preppy, brainless blonde.

She’s the girl you hate, even though she’s not all that bad,

She’s the girl whose life you secretly wish you had.

-Logan Glover.
18 September 2010.

About Me.

I hate typing about me's. I never know what to say. I know what I WANT to say, but there's no way I'm putting it on one. Ever. They usually end up saying: "I'm Logan. I'm 16. I'm a writer, and I don't need anybody but myself." or "I'm Logan. I'm 16, and there's nothing else to me." or something like that. Short, sweet, and to the point. But that's not exactly true. There's alot more to me. It's just stuff that no one has ever cared to take the time to learn.

So I'm writing my own about me right here. Mostly since nobody will ever read it more than likely. What could it hurt? Here goes:

I'm Logan. I'm 16. I'm a writer. I've been to hell and back.

I'm annoying and confused. Don't try to figure me out, because you will regret getting to know me. I promise. But hey, you're already here, so you may as well read the rest. I took the time to type it. Humor me.

I'm depressed and yet the happiest girl in the world (rarely, but hey, it does happen). I'm the girl you'll ignore. You won't notice me unless you happen to be looking for me for some reason.

I'm the girl that doesn't stand up for herself like she should. You can run over me, and I won't say anything about it.

I try to be a good person, but I'm not. I'm selfish, stubborn, and you're better off without me.

I have dreams. I always have. Since I was a little girl I dreamed of getting married to a man that loved me and having a large family. But recently I've realized that those dreams are the kind that aren't going to happen. I'm going to do what makes me the happiest. That means I'm going to live in Colorado, be a writer, live in an apartment, and have a kitten. My dad says that I have to go to Motlow, but he's wrong. I'll take out a student loan and go where I want. And I don't care if I have to spend the rest of my life paying it back. I'll be happy for the first time in a long time, and you can all get over it.

I'm not pretty or friendly. I'm not perky or hyper. I'm plain, shy, quiet, and calm.

I may not be the best person you've ever met (and I know I'm not) but I'm hoping that someday I'll be the girl that everyone wishes they had been a little nicer to.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things to Love.

♥ :

Red starbursts, not the pink ones.
Comfortable jackets.
Big cities.
Denver, Colorado.
Reading a good book.
Friday night high school football games.
Ramon noodles.
Blue or brown eyes.
Making wishes.
Mexican food.
The beach.
Quiet people.
Black and white together.
I love you's.
Little kittens that love to cuddle with you.
Great big brothers.
Pinky promises.
Good songs.
Late nights.
The thought of college.
Babies and little kids.
Hot showers.
Being organized.
Keith Urban.
Pretty pictures.
Peaceful moments.
Moments that I'll remember forever.


I see him
And he sees me
Or does he

I look at him
And get a glance once in awhile
Sometimes I get a smile

It was fine
Until he found out how I feel
Like it's not real

Now he walks by
Like I'm not there
Just like the air

What does he see
Does he see me
Or just invisibility.

-Logan Glover.
15 September 2010