Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chloe Elizabeth.

In a world with so many rules, it's easy to get preoccupied with living up to other people's standards. In the end, it only takes you to a place you swore you would never be; a place where you have walked so far away from yourself that you don't know the way back. Never get to that point. In my opinion, it is almost like a type of death. If you want to live in the moment, do it, and if you want to have a master plan, have it; just make sure you are doing it for you.

Realize that people are going to hurt you. Throughout your life, someone is going to talk behind your back, someone is going to tell lies about you, and someone is always going to be trying to put you down. Don't hate them for it. Forgive, forget, and move on. As the old cliché goes, "time will tell you who your true friends are". Do not hold anything against the ones who fail to make the cut; they are human - just as you are - and make mistakes just as you do.

Never be afraid to go against the grain. There are rules for everything these days and it is your job to decide which rules to keep and which to break. Just make sure the ones you break do not hurt or negatively affect another person. Do not allow yourself to harden so much that you forget to take other people's feelings into consideration, but try not to become so sensitive that you are merely the bridge that people walk over to get to their own destinations.

Find your own truths and keep an open mind to others'. Discover your passions and never be afraid to share them with the world. Set goals but do not be afraid to let them change. Stay focused; but not so focused that you forget to appreciate the beautiful and spontaneous earthly and human moments that happen around you every day.

Most importantly, always try to make someone else's day a little better. When you focus on things other than yourself, your mind and heart will open to endless capacities. A good person knows how to stay true to themselves, but a great person knows how to stay true to themselves while allowing others to do the same.

No one has taught me more about love than you have. I love you, kid.